Why Cambridge College?

Cambridge College is a pioneer in adult higher education. 每年,我们招收3000多名本科生,硕士和博士学位课程的学生. 


Cambridge College (CC), a private, nonprofit institution, 50多年来一直是成人教育的领导者和先驱. With a main campus in Boston, Massachusetts, and a regional center in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 网赌信誉排行前十的网址提供教育机会,为学习者在竞争激烈的全球经济中取得成功做好准备, elevate their communities and promote social justice.

超过65%的学生来自不同民族和种族的社区. Collectively, we speak 55 languages and represent 98 countries.

Career-Changing Higher Ed Within Your Reach

Cambridge College offers the high quality, 便利和可访问性,你需要使你的学术和职业梦想成为现实.

我们课程的卓越水平已经得到了许多行业组织的认可. 我们也因我们为学生提供的卓越价值而受到好评:将我们高质量的课程与负担得起的学费相结合的结果. We're honored to have received these distinctions, which include:

  • #2 Autism/ABA Master's Program in the U.S., from ABA Degree Programs
  • 美国最有价值的应用行为分析博士网赌信誉排行前十的网址.S., from ABA Degree Programs
  • Best Value Master's Programs in Education, from Teacher.org (1 of only 5 colleges in Massachusetts to earn this designation)
  • 来自College Factual的新英格兰最佳学士学位学院(110所大学中排名第15)
  • 全美在线学士学位课程排名前30%(360个课程中排名第104).S. News & World Report


Each year, over 3,000 students enroll in our undergraduate, master's, 博士和专业学位以及我们的高级证书课程.

Our programs are offered in a variety of formats, including on-campus, online (asynchronous), remote (via Zoom) and hybrid. Because our programs are tailored for working adults, most scheduled courses are offered during evenings and weekends, 而我们的异步在线课程可以在最适合学生繁忙生活的时候进行.

We offer more than 100 programs through our schools; the School of Arts & Sciences, the School of Business & Technology, the School of Education & 咨询和通过我们行业领先的在线部门,网赌信誉排行前十的网址全球.

“作为一名移民,我从未想过自己会在美国获得学位……. I didn't have a lot of money, I didn't have a lot of time. I just had a dream….Cambridge College was the perfect place. It was the right decision."

Keila Vieira
MEd School Adjustment & Mental Health Counseling 2020

Affordable Tuition, Scholarships and Financial Aid



我们提供有用的信息和资源,帮助您负担得起剑桥大学的教育, and we remain committed to keeping tuition low.

In addition to keeping our tuition among the most affordable, 网赌信誉排行前十的网址为符合资格要求的学生提供一系列奖学金和经济援助选择. 事实上,我们为60%以上的学生提供经济援助.

探索我们提供的一系列经济援助和奖学金机会,以帮助您获得学位. Review Financial Aid Options.

A Diverse Community of Adult Learners

网赌信誉排行前十的网址提供了一个充满活力和包容性的文化,你将与同龄人分享一个课堂,他们将从你带给课堂的丰富经验和观点中受益, just as you will benefit from theirs.

我们的专业教师尊重并利用学生的各种技能和经验. 我们重视学生带到课堂上的生活技能和能力,因为我们相信生活经验是一种资产,而不是负债.

我们社区的多样性涵盖了年龄、背景、种族和工作经验. 我们的包容性文化提供了积极和富有成效的教育经验,以补充和扩展课堂学习.


  • The 7th Most Ethnically Diverse College in America, according to Best College Reviews
  • One of the Top 50 Best Colleges for Latinos by Latino Leaders Magazine
  • 马萨诸塞州最顶尖的性别领导平等机构之一, 根据EOS基金会关于女性在高等教育中的权力差距的研究

Discover Our Commitment to Diversity

Racial Equity and Social Justice Initiative

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Student Life

Personalized Support for Your Success

我们是一所规模不大但影响很大的学校,重视小组学习和同伴互动. Here, students learn from and challenge one other. 我们才华横溢的教师将他们的专业经验带到课堂上.


  • One-on-one student advising and faculty mentoring
  • Free tutoring
  • Math and writing assessment and support
  • Language classes

Other Honors and Recognition

High BCBA Exam Pass Rates: Our MEd Autism/Behavior Analyst program 帮助学生满足BCBA考试的课程要求. 在过去的5年里,剑桥大学毕业生首次参加考试的平均通过率为85%, significantly higher than the national average of 65%.

Successful MTEL Pass Rates: For the 2020-21 school year, 网赌信誉排行前十的网址81%的医学硕士初级执照课程毕业生成功完成了所有马萨诸塞州教育工作者执照考试(mtel)。. The 2018-2019 rate was 98% and the 2019-20 rate was 94%.

Popular MBA Program: 网赌信誉排行前十的网址的MBA课程在波士顿商业杂志的“马萨诸塞州最大的MBA课程”名单中排名第16位.”

Military Benefits: We have been recognized as a Military Friendly® School for 13 consecutive years. Additionally, 我们为军人提供许多福利和折扣, veterans, and their families.

Cambridge College is accredited by New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) and all Cambridge College’s programs are authorized by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education.
